Welcome Station & Start Line (Sold)

from $3,500.00

To underwrite the overall cost of the facility used for the packet pick-up and the starting line. This will include all monies paid by the organization for rooms and supplies to welcome all riders on Thursday as well as see them off on the first morning of the ride.

I’d like to donate an additional 3.5% to cover processing fees to help support more families:
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·     Recognition as the SB250 Welcome Station and Start Line sponsor at all Suzannah Smiles events, website, media announcements, emails, banners, and other advertising outlets for the year. This includes links to your social media platforms.

·     Name on the official SB250 captain’s jersey to be worn by the captains in the charity ride. Your logo will be on back pocket of captain’s jersey.

·     Name on the official SB250 t-shirt.

·     Name on the official SB250 commemorative poster advertising the event at local, regional, and state bike shops and businesses.

·     Complementary event entry for SB250 including the event cycling jersey and meals for two riders (must be 18 years of age or older).

·     Recognition plaque for display at your business.