The 2024 SB250, presented by Apache Industrial, will take place on Friday June 28th and Saturday the 29th. Cyclists pedal 250 miles over two days through the grueling South Texas heat from Edinburg to San Antonio. The ride consists of multiple speed groups kept together with lead and follow cars for a family type atmosphere.

Date and Location

Friday June 28th and
Saturday the 29th.

Starting Line

TownPlace Marriot
502 W Trenton Rd,
Edinburg, TX 78539

Finish Line

Rancho El Chema
19935 US-281,
San Antonio, TX 78221

Worried about the heat? Don’t be. You will be adequately refreshed at the numerous water stops from your lead and follow cars.  All speed groups will have water, ice, and electrolyte mix for your hydration needs.  And will make sure you have sunscreen. 

Intimidated by the distance? Don’t worry, we have training plans to get you ready.  Additionally, you will never be alone. Not only will you find yourself surrounded by fellow cyclists and ride leaders encouraging and supporting you along the way but there will be experienced SAG drivers traveling the route with you.

Scared of the speed?  Don’t be, we have 5 speed groups averaging from 16mph to 25+ for your current fitness level.  Did I mention tailwinds?  The south Texas tailwinds in the summer are amazing.

 Along with the south Texas heat, you will find Texas hospitality. You will be sufficiently fed lunch and dinner on both days of the event. Snacks, fuel, electrolytes in your groups SAG trailer.  All your needs are taken care of.   The SB250 is a friendly ride from start to finish.

At the end of this ride you will be warmly welcomed by a number of families that benefit from this charity ride.  You and your fellow cyclists will be cheered as heroes as your medals are being placed around you by your adoring fans.  All cyclists and their families will be celebrated with a finish line celebration meal. And to top off the festivities, you will feel pride at the presentation of the check to Spina Bifida Texas, knowing that you made a difference in the lives of others.

Join us and ride for Spina Bifida


The 2024 SB250 presented by Apache Industrial will take place on Friday June 28th and Saturday the 29th. The SB250 jersey are included in registration. All entries after May 19 will have kits mailed to home address after the event. Participants should expect delivery in mid August. Please refer to the sizing chart here before registration. Event bib and sleeves are optional.

Event Information

  • ****************************************
    Thursday June 27th

    5:00pm - 7:00pm
    Packet Pickup
    TownPlace Marriot- 502 W Trenton Rd, Edinburg, TX 78539

    *Riders please bring your overnight luggage to packet pick so that it can be stored in our luggage trailer.  This trailer will be waiting for you at the gym in Freer after the Day one ride.  PLEASE NOTE: You WILL NOT  have access to it during the ride.  You are allowed room for a small personal bag for the day trip.  We will also have ice chests if you need to store something cold.

    ** Out of town riders staying at hotel will load overnight bags in luggage trailer in AM.  Please have outside on Friday morning by 5:00AM

    Friday June 28th — Day One 140 miles!

    5:00 AM
    in hotel- Breakfast #1
    (Breakfast tacos, coffee and light snacks)
    Departure Time from TownPlace Marriot
    502 W Trenton Rd, Edinburg, TX 78539

    5:30 AM
    Group C and D depart

    6:00 AM
    Group A and B depart

    6:30 AM
    Group A+ departs
    **Arrive at least 30 min. before scheduled departure time!**

    8:00am - 9:30am
    Breakfast Break-snacks provided
    San Isidro 1st Baptist Church Parish Hall
    5262 FM 1017, San Isidro, TX 78588

    11:30am - 1:30pm
    Complimentary Lunch
    Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
    504 E. Santa Clara Street, Hebbronville, Texas 78361

    3:00pm - 5:00pm
    Arrive Freer ISD
    905 S. Norton Ave, Freer TX, 78357         

    5:30pm - 7:00pm
    Complimentary Dinner
    Freer ISD Cafeteria

    Make sure you get a good night’s sleep!!!!

    Saturday June 29th — Day Two 110 miles!

    Complimentary Breakfast Freer HS Cafeteria

    5:15 AM
    Group D depart

    5:35 AM
    Group C depart

    6:00 AM
    Group B depart

    6:15 AM
    Group A depart

    6:30 AM
    Group A+ depart

    8:30am - 9:30am
    Watermelon Snack
    Tilden Baptist Church
    305 TX-16, Tilden TX 78072

    11:00am - 12:30pm
    Complimentary Lunch
    Jourdanton Methodist Church
    705 Chestnut St, Jourdanton, TX 78026

    All Groups Meet and Stage at ??????????

    Approx 3:30pm
    Arrive at Rancho El Chema
    19935 US-281, San Antonio, TX 78221

    3:30pm - 5:00pm
    SBTX Celebration/BBQ & Check Presentation
    Houston group riding back on bus will depart at 5:30PM

    Sunday June 30th

    Riders shuttling back to RGV will Depart host hotel in San Antonio for Edinburg

  • TBD

  • Edinburg Lodging- Prior to event:

    TownPlace Suites by Marriot
    502 W Trenton Rd, Edinburg, TX 78539
    (956) 318-1000
    Please call to make reservations using "SB250" as discount code.
    Room rate is $109.99 per night plus tax 

    *This will be location of packet pick up as well as starting point for day 1 of SB250


    Freer Lodging- Day 1:

    Riders have two options for lodging after completing day 1 of SB250.

    1. Suzannah Smiles has reserved the high school gymnasium where you can bring a cot/blow up mattress, sleeping bag and a pillow and stay for free.

    2. Reserve a hotel room in one of the available hotels in Freer, TX.  Options include:

    * La Plaza Inn & Suites (361) 394-5100
    * Budget Inn (361) 394-6103
    * Freer Motel (361) 391-7391
    * Executive Inn (361) 394-6191

    *Reserve hotel rooms ASAP, as they book up quickly with this ride
    **Houston bus and SAG vehicles will transport riders to and from high school for dinner as well as in the AM prior to day 2 start


    Lodging San Antonio, TX – Day Two

    We have negotiated special rates for our riders with The Historic Menger Hotel in downtown San Antonio for all riders who are staying in San Antonio after the ride.

    Menger Hotel
    204 Alamo Plaza
    San Antonio, TX 78205
    (210) 223-4361
    Rate $169.99 plus tax

    Link to reserve room: click here

    *All riders who are using the Suzannah Smiles shuttle back to the RGV will need a room overnight.
    ** All Houston riders who are using the bus to get back to Houston will NOT need a room.  Bus leaves for Houston after celebration in San Antonio is complete.



    Those traveling from Houston have to opportunity to ride the Houston Crew Bus to Edinburg and home from San Antonio if you desire.  You may purchase either a one way or round trip ride during the registration process depending on your preference.

    Those traveling back to RGV from San Antonio after the completion of the SB250 may purchase a one way ticket home during the registration process. 

    Transportation to and from hotels in Freer will be provided by Suzannah Smiles SAG drivers and the Houston Crew bus on Friday evening and Saturday morning during event weekend.  

  • This ride is a fully supported ride with all food and supplies provided to successfully complete.  Each speed group has a lead and follow truck and trailer (SAG) that stays with the group through the entire ride.  These vehicles carry all the essentials including a personal day bag for each rider.  The SAG vehicles will carry the following: Water, Ice, electrolyte mix, snacks, pickle juice, sunscreen as well.  You will have access to your day bag throughout the ride if you have specific hydration or fueling needs.

    Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided starting at packet pick up through the end of the ride on Saturday afternoon. We have designated stops where full meals are provided.

     A couple key notes about hydration on this ride:

    Time it right- Hydrating before pedaling helps you avoid drying out on the road. For best absorption, sip 12 to 16 ounces of water four hours before hopping onto your bike; two hours before, sip another 12 ounces. While riding, drink enough to match the intensity of the exercise, the heat of the day and your body's needs--the average recommendation is one 16-ounce bottle per hour in cool weather, up to as many as four bottles per hour in extremely hot weather, based on a 150-pound cyclist. Afterward, your goal is to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. If the ride was easy or moderate, sipping water and having a small meal within an hour of finishing should be sufficient, but if the ride was long and intense, use the weighing method below to determine your drinking regimen.

    Customize- People sweat at different rates, and rides vary in terrain, speed and distance, but hydration goals are the same regardless. "Your aim is to minimize fluid and electrolyte loss or gain," says Douglas Casa, Ph.D., the director of athletic training education at the University of Connecticut, at Storrs. The best way to learn your individual sweat rate: Step on the scale before and after a long or hard ride. If you weigh less afterward, you should be drinking a bit more; if you weigh more, you should cut back to avoid overhydration.

    Keep it simple- "On easier rides, stick with water. You'll get the mother lode of electrolytes, calories and fluids from the meals and fluids you consume prior to, and after, your ride," says Casa, who's been researching hydration and exercise issues for more than a decade. When a ride is intense, pushes past an hour, or is in hot weather, consider a sports drink. "I recommend staying away from the stuff with 9,000 ingredients," says Casa. "You just need the essentials--fluid, carbohydrates and electrolytes."

    Try and try again- The only way to find what drinks work for you is by testing them. "Some products may not taste good to you, while others may sit in your stomach in a bad way," says Casa. If you're the type of salty sweater who finds white streaks on your jersey after a ride, you may need a drink with more sodium. For extreme salt sweaters, Casa suggests adding 1/4 teaspoon of salt to 16 ounces of sports drink (that's 600mg of sodium). If you find that a sports drink upsets your stomach, try diluting it with water. "Just never start a big event with a new product in your bottle," says Casa. "That's a recipe for disaster." By Marianne McGinnis

  • There are five speed groups in the SB250 with rolling speeds ranging from 16-18mph to 25mph+. We ride in pacelines for the entire event. During the registration process you will be asked which pace group you would like to complete the ride with. Please be thoughtful with what pace you can ride for 150 miles.

    Pace groups are as follows:

    A+ Group 25mph + Rolling Speeds, 25mph AVG
    A Group 22-24mph Rolling Speeds, 22 mph AVG
    B Group 20-22mph Rolling Speeds, 20mph AVG
    C Group 18-20mph Rolling Speeds, 18mph AVG
    D Group 16-18mph Rolling Speeds, 16mph AVG

    FOR THE SAFETY OF ALL RIDERS, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE STAY TOGETHER AS A GROUP. Absolutely no riders should ride ahead or behind your group’s SAG vehicles. If someone has a flat, mishap, or needs a restroom break, the whole group will have to stop. Each group will have 2 SAG vehicles carrying supplies and water and each group will also have pacesetters in charge of safety and keeping the groups together. If a rider is having trouble maintaining the pace, they may be asked to ride in the SAG vehicle until they are rested. If you are a rider that has family members driving up or your own SAG vehicle, we may ask them to go up ahead and meet you at certain points. On many areas of Hwy 16 we will have to take the lane which can make it difficult for cars to pass, so we do not want our caravan too long so cars can pass us in a timely manner. On this route there will be some long stretches without restrooms, we do have a rolling rest stop with port a potties just in case. Any rider can communicate to their respective captain and have the rest stop set up in a safe place for everyone involved.


    Required Items
    Strong legs and a good healthy attitude!
    2 insulated water bottles mounted on bike
    Overnight supplies
    Cycling kits (2 -4)
    Included SB250 jersey is worn for 2nd day finish to celebration
    ID and insurance

    Essential Items
    Sunglasses or some other form of eye protection
    Lip balm with sunscreen
    Arm coolers (Sleeves)
    Cycling socks and shoes
    Chamois Cream
    Street Clothes/ Overnight essentials including toiletries
    Lots of smiles!!

    Bonus Items
    Ice Sock/Panty Hose
    External Battery/Power Bank
    Cycling Computer
    HR Strap
    Wet wipes (post ride wipe down)
    Compression Boots/ Foam Rollers
    All specialty nutrition

    Packing plan:
    You should have two bags- a day bag and an overnight bag. The day bag while have what you need on the ride itself like extra kit, speciality nutrition, chamois cream, etc. The day bag will be in the SAG vehicle for the speed group you choose. Your overnight bag will have your street clothes and toiletries for after day 1 and 2 riding.

    Nutrition Plan:
    Plan to drink every 15 minutes at a minimum throughout the entire ride.

    We recommend one water bottle and one bottle of electrolyte mix (Scratch, Liquid IV, etc) each time we stop for refueling. Plan to eat every 30 minutes throughout ride. Solid foods like waffles, cookies, PBJ, etc and scatter your energy gels throughout the day. The SAG vehicles will have all these items on the ride so no need to pack unless you have some specific fueling needs.

    Last two things….. don’t be afraid to ask questions to your captains and HAVE FUN!!!

  • In 2023, SB250 raised over $95,000 to help Texas children and families impacted by spina bifida. All proceeds of the event are donated directly to families impacted by spina bifida through summertime fun gift cards, scholarships, and grants as well as monies given to Spina Bifida Texas (SBTX). SBTX is often the first resource for families after a spina bifida diagnosis. Suzannah Smiles generates a sizable portion of SBTX’s operational capital for the year. With your help, SB250 allow us to serve more families across Texas.

    This year we are offering some incentives if you would support us in our mission. If you raise money through the Suzannah Smiles website or open a Facebook Fundraiser for Suzannah Smiles, you will have the chance to earn a free registration fee for 2025 as well as some additional Suzannah Smiles and SB250 apparel and cycling attire.

    • Raise $500 get Suzannah Smiles peloton jersey ($75 Value)
    • Raise $1000 get Suzannah Smiles pro jersey ($100 Value)
    • Raise $1500 get Suzannah Smiles peloton kit (Jersey & Bib) ($195 Value)
    • Raise $2500 get Suzannah Smiles pro kit (Jersey & Bib) ($220 Value)
    • Raise $3000 get 2025 SB250 entry ($300 Value)
    • Raise $4000 get 2025 SB250 entry plus Suzannah Smiles pro jersey ($400 Value)
    • Raise $5000 get 2025 SB250 entry plus Suzannah Smiles pro kit (Jersey & Bib) ($520 Value)

    About Suzannah Smiles: Suzannah Smiles is a 501(c)3 whose mission is to support the spina bifida community in Texas. Our goal is to spread awareness as well as raise funds to support programs for those affected by spina bifida. 100% of proceeds of both our events go to programs that can empower them to live a barrier-free life and reach their fullest potential.

    About spina bifida: It is estimated that spina bifida affects 2 out of every 1,000 births in Texas, nearly twice the national average. Spina bifida is a birth defect that occurs when the lower end of the spinal cord does not form properly in the developing baby. Paralysis, loss of bowel and/or bladder control, brain damage and learning disabilities are among the many issues associated with this complex disability. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), if every woman of childbearing age (15-44) would take a daily vitamin containing 400mcg of folic acid, the incidences of spina bifida would be reduced by 70%.

    Information can be found at: or by contacting Tommy Smith, Event Coordinator (281) 408-5858 or through email

    Our goal for 2024 is to raise $125,000. Please consider supporting our effort to assist Texas families living with spina bifida by sponsoring, volunteering and/or participating in the event.

  • Have you dreamed of doing a big two-day ride but don't know the steps to help you achieve that goal? In partnership with Race Station Houston utilizing the Training Peaks platform, we have set up plans to help you accomplish the goal of completing the SB250. Follow either of these training plans and ride schedule and you will be ready for the SB250 at the end of June.

    SB 250 McAllen to San Antonio - Heart Rate-based Beginner to intermediate | cycling Training Plan | TrainingPeaks

    SB 250 12 Week RPE/ Mileage-based Performance Plan (Beginner-Intermediate) | cycling Training Plan | TrainingPeaks

    SB250performance is the discount code to download for the prepaid version.

    All training plans are sponsored by Racestation Houston.

  • Are you from the greater Houston area but want to do the SB250? Get on the Bus!

    We will take all the guess work out of the logistics conundrum that is the SB250. We will bus you to the start line in Edinburg, TX and then from San Antonio back to meet up spot in Houston. Put the stress of driving behind you and join a fun group while enjoying a social, relaxing way to pass the road miles away while headed south on June 27th.

    Not sure if the bus option is for you? The decision tree starts with knowing what your needs are for this event. It is helpful to break the trip into segments and decide if the bus is needed for just part of the event, or the entire trip. Travelling to Edinburg, TX on June 27th is the first leg of the journey. Luggage and supplies are safely stored in the luggage compartment and are available once we arrive at the hotel in Edinburg. Bikes are wall mounted, wrapped, and stored in our enclosed trailer which is driven south by one of our incredible volunteers. The second part of the trip involving the bus is to return Houston riders back to Houston on Saturday the 29th. After closing ceremonies, we will load the bus back up and have a little fun on the way home. A relaxing way to finish off two amazing days with friends. The second leg is completely up to you. Families are welcome at the closing ceremony, so make a vacation out of it for a few summertime fun days in San Antonio if you would like or just go straight home on the bus…your call. We have an option for a one-way trip to the RGV for $75 or both ways for $125.

    If one of the bus options sounds perfect for you, include it in your registration!

    Meeting location(s), times for loading, unloading and other details are to be determined as the planning process progresses. Expect 8am on Thursday morning in Midtown area. We leave San Antonio on Saturday at 5:30 PM after Celebration.

Who’s Registered

Thank you to our last year’s event sponsors!